понедельник, 2 февраля 2015 г.

Joan of Arc

‘History is formed by the people, those who have power and those without power. Each one of us makes history.’ It’s true that there were a vast number of people who won the respect, made a breakthrough, who were peace activists or fought a running battle with enemies, who were at war or lived in peace with each other. All of them were absolutely diverse with special thoughts and wishes, those who stood up for their rights and those who lost their nerve, but all that people have created one history. As a matter of fact, it is important to remember that we are not passive pawns but people who have the ability to shape and direct history.

One of the most famous women of the history is Joan of Arc. She was the girl who led French folk which was at war with England. Joan was born in 1412 when the Hundred Years’ War had broken out many years before. She never knew what such words as ‘make peace, ‘the peace process’ or ‘period of peace’ mean because she observed the horrors of war from the early childhood. At the age of twelve she had visions in which Saint Archangel Michael, Saint Catherine and Saint Margaret appeared before her and said that she was a woman who had to save France. In 1429 she decided to take it seriously and go to war as a volunteer. Joan visited Karl VII who was the heir to the throne of her country. The girl told him about her visions and managed to convince Karl give her permission to assist the French army in the war. She served in the army like many others men and turned out the best soldier. Thanks to her the French won a lot of combats. Joan of Arc put up a heroic fight against English army and raised a siege of Orleans. That event caused a sensation and attracted a lot of interest to her personality. To be honest, it was a crowning achievement of France as well as Joan. In August 1429 the French began to release Paris which was occupied by the English but they lost the battle. During the next year Joan of Arc took part in some other military operations but they were not highly effective

The same year she was taken prisoner by the Burgundians and accused of doing magic. Such a terrible fact caused an uproar in France and the girl was sentenced to life imprisonment. She refused to admit her guilt and was strongly convinced in her beliefs. Two days later Joan was burned at the stake by the residents of Rouen. Twenty five years after her execution she was vindicated and pronounced innocent. Joan of Arc was beatified in 1909 and canonized in 1920 by the Roman Catholic Church.

Being a young girl she managed to fight a lot of decisive battles and save France. Nobody could repeat the heroic feat of abnegation. Joan of Arc proved that even plain people can change the course of history.

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